Ratchet and clank wiki crotchitizer
Ratchet and clank wiki crotchitizer

ratchet and clank wiki crotchitizer

As an example, each missile fired in Ratchet & Clank is as powerful as a missile fired by the Devastator. The missiles each do major amounts of damage, meaning they are likely to destroy most enemies in front of Ratchet, regardless of their size. The RYNO targets multiple enemies in front of Ratchet, and once it fires, a missile hits each. The RYNO functions similarly throughout all of its appearances, though it does go through several cosmetic iterations. It appears more refined that the previous iteration of the weapon. Its body was generally circular, with red marks around it. Its round muzzle contained only six missiles, and the weapon was notably red. The RYNO in Size Matters and Secret Agent Clank was drastically different in appearance. Finally, it has black and yellow stripes in front of its trigger. The larger border contains a magazine below, which has a handlebar attached to it. Its square muzzle on the end is composed of nine different muzzles for nine missiles on each fire, with two wires attached to its larger body. In the original Ratchet & Clank, the weapon is a dark blue and mostly black weapon. It was identical in design and functionality to Size Matters, but only cost 2,000,000 bolts, far cheaper than in the previous installment. The RYNO could be purchased by Ratchet and used during his sequences.

ratchet and clank wiki crotchitizer

In fact, the ammunition price was the same as in the original Ratchet & Clank. By this point, the model had been drastically redesigned in appearance, although functionally it operated extremely similarly. It is purchased at a vendor, on planet Quodrona in challenge mode (after Otto Destruct was defeated in a previous playthrough). The RYNO is most expensive in this installment at 9,999,999 bolts.


Furthermore, later installments in the RYNO series - notably the RYNO IV and onward - were made illegal, so for Clank to be unaware of the weapons is also a possibility. It could also suggest the RY3NO was yet to be developed or manufactured. Though the RYNO II in Going Commando is a more powerful launcher, sold at a vendor that is implied to have operated for years, this weapon featured in the Bogon and not Solana, suggesting that the RYNO could still have been the most powerful weapon in Solana. This may suggest that later iterations of the RYNO were yet to be developed or released. The weapon, according to Clank, as the strongest missile launcher in the galaxy during the events of the game. At the time the weapon is sold, the player is very unlikely to earn 150,000 bolts, or even to earn that many in their first play-through, meaning a purchase on a second or third play-through is far more likely. Clank suggests that the salesman stole the weapon from the Blarg, who responds very defensively, which suggests that Clank's suspicions were true. Ratchet and Clank meet the salesman on the way to the Hoverboard games, who calls them over offering to sell the RYNO. In Ratchet & Clank, the RYNO is sold by the black market shady salesman in Blackwater City on Rilgar for 150,000. This may suggest that the Blarg and Gadgetron both developed the weapon prior to Chairman Drek's attack on Gadgetron, or that the weapon changed hands from the Blarg to Gadgetron at a point in time. However, in subsequent installments, the weapon, as with later weapons in the RYNO series, was developed by Gadgetron, being sold in Gadgetron vendors. In the original Ratchet & Clank, it is implied that the weapon was developed by the Blarg, from which the weapon has been stolen. With a huge, detailed walkthrough, weapons specs, gadget info and all of the secrets that are fit to print, this is your one stop Ratchet shop on the web.The history of the RYNO's development is left ambiguous. It's up to Ratchet and Clank to stop him. The evil chairman Drek is planning to take chunks of planets to build a super-planet for his people. In case you've just been dying to know what this game is all about, you've come to the right place. You've got to blow them to smithereens, or at least hit them really, really hard with something heavy. You see, jumping on critters just doesn't work in this genre anymore. As you progress through the story, Ratchet will assemble an incredible arsenal of weapons in every shape and form. Somehow, this unusual pair makes for quite a nice game. Clank, the cool one, is little more than a hunk of metal.

ratchet and clank wiki crotchitizer

Ratchet covers the mammalian base fairly well. Ratchet & Clank follows this trend, naturally. Not only that, they're quality titles featuring mammals in some form or another. Fortunately, most of the recent releases are actually quality titles. Every time you look, there's a new platform title out for some console or another.

Ratchet and clank wiki crotchitizer